Internal Flights
There are daily flights from Lusaka and Livingstone to Mfuwe with Proflight Zambia. Please contact Jess for up-to-date information on schedules, availability, last-minute specials and to make your flight bookings as she is a booking agent for the airline. Once you get to Mfuwe, we can arrange airport transfers from the airport to Flatdogs (about 35 minutes by road).
Full fares are as follows but there are discounted fares for children under 18 years of age and last minute specials can sometimes be found!
- Lusaka to Mfuwe – US$307 pp (1hr 10min flight)
- Mfuwe to Lusaka – US$305 pp (1hr 10min flight)
Connecting from Vic Falls (Livingstone airport)
- Livingstone to Mfuwe (you will land in Lusaka in both directions) and vice versa – US$494 pp (two x 1hr 10min flights)
- Livingstone to Lusaka (in either direction) – US$282 pp (1hr 10min flight)
During the “green season” (before May and from mid November) there are fewer flights but these aim to connect with incoming Emirates, Qatar Airways, SA Airlink, Ethiopian Airways and Kenya Airways flights from Dubai, Doha, Johannesburg, Addis and Nairobi respectively.
Nyasa Express runs seat in charter flights from Lilongwe to Mfuwe and vice versa with onward internal connections within Malawi to Likoma Island, Monkey Bay, Nyika plateau and Liwonde. Nyasa Express seats now cost:
- Lilongwe to Mfuwe (and vice versa) costs US$437 pp plus airport taxes of US$40 pp (minimum 2 passengers)
There are discounted fares for children under 12 years of age.