School Infrastructure

Mfuwe Secondary School:

Mfuwe Secondary School is the only Secondary school in the area. Until tourism came to its aid, it had only one classroom block of its own. Its 550+ pupils are squeezed into these 3 classrooms and any classroom space that it can borrow from the Primary school next door. As well as depriving the 1400 primary school students some of their own classroom space, this situation reduced the quality of education that the Secondary school offers. The end result is that much of the good work that is being done at Pre- and Primary school level is wasted because it is not followed up with good education standards at Grades 8 – 12. Through Project Luangwa, we have built one block of 3 classrooms, one block of 4 classrooms plus staff offices and common room, the community have collected the funds for another and other donors have built a further classroom block, science labs, library and dormitories for boys and girls. This should give Primary school leavers a good chance at a place in Secondary education.

Business Development

As you will realise, with all these infrastructure projects (and they are not limited to Mfuwe Secondary School) there are a significant amount of skilled workers and tradesmen required. So when we build schools, or buy desks, we are supporting local businesses in making them. The guy that does all the welding and fabrication has never been so busy.